Wednesday, September 2, 2009

That Bru

I realized the other day that besides mentioning we have a dog I haven't put up any new pictures of him lately. He is no longer the adorable little puppy he was when we got him, but now he's an adorable big puppy and has so much personality. He keeps us entertained constantly. We have lots of nicknames for him, here are a few that come to mind - That Bru, Brudy, Bruha, Bruce Bruce, Brucey, Joosey Bruce, Bru pup, snags, double snags (see pictures below) and others that I'm forgetting at the moment. Here are some of my favorite pictures of him.

Bruce getting a ride from dad

Just like a baby... but you can leave this baby in a kennel :)

I'm pretty sure he thinks the couch belongs to him, and it kinda does

the first night we got him he slept in this basket, now he barely fits

Hanging out with dad on the front porch!


"Double Snags"

This is what he does while I get ready in the morning, talk about a life of leisure!

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